Stephanie Millward MBE
Charity Ambassador
My name is Stephanie Millward and I was a paralympic swimmer for many years winning multiple medals. My life has always been about promoting positivity and happiness and it upsets me greatly to see how the world has been turning angry. When I found out about Stand Against Violence, I had to learn more! People react to different things because they want to prove they are good enough or often because they need to release anger. Just imagine if young people are given skills and knowledge to understand and remove themselves from potentially violent situations. I believe the country would be in a much better place if people were able to take a moment to think before they hit out. Imagine if boxing was just a sport and punches were not a way to prove your identity or status. Just imagine if gangs or hate crimes didn't exist anymore. We can all live a beautiful life. This is why I joined this charity - to help get people to think before they do something they will regret for the rest of their lives. I wish to offer hope, and happiness and help change the way people look at violence and anger. I hope I can help to make a small difference to a large number of people. I hope to offer light to a very dark place and give people other routes to reach their goals. Life is incredible and we are lucky to be here. I just want to spread this happiness.