Free lesson plans & resources

What is violence?
A free tutorial to understand 'what is violence?' Great preparatory work for your pupils ahead of a SAV workshop.

Make A Choice Assembly Plan - Years 5&6
A free downloadable assembly plan.

Bullying Infographic Poster
Download our bullying awareness infographic poster for you staff room or class room.

Stop and Think Poster
A free downloadable Stand Against Violence Poster, compatible with all lesson and assembly plans.

Stay Safe Tips Poster KS2
A free personal safety poster for key stage 2.

Stay Safe Tips Poster KS3/KS4
A free personal safety poster for KS3/4.

National Day of Non-Violence Assembly KS3/KS4
National Day of Non-Violence is on the 25th September and marks the anniversary of SAV.
This assembly is targeted at KS3/KS4 and addresses the issues of Non-Violence and Peace.

Top Tips: Teaching Emotive Subjects
Our teachers top tips for teaching topics which are sensitive or emotive. We’ve put these together based on our work delivering our violence and other workshops.
Research and Papers

Evaluation of the Stand Against Violence Workshop
SAV workshops have been shown to make young people less likely to resort to violence as a means of conflict resolution. Read the Centre for Public Health's evaluation of our workshops here.

Stand Against Violence Whitepaper
This white paper has reviewed many credible sources of information and the evidence bases available. We have attempted to make this accessible and understandable to the masses as so much of the information out there is fractured and incomparable.