Western Morning News Business Awards 2013 - Plymouth Holiday Inn
Saturday 21st December, 2013

It was a great honour to be nominated again for an award as SAV were highly commended last year for 'Best Not for Profit'.
The evening was as opulent and impressive as the previous year at Exeter University. The room was beautifully presented with candelabra's decorating every table lighting the room with a twinkly glow. The exclusive guest list was full of the South West's best businesses and there was a sense of excitement and anticipation in the air.
Once we had polished off a very delectable three course meal the awards ceremony began. As each category was announced every nominee had a brief overview presented of their work and achievements, it was remarkable just how many wonderful businesses there are in the south west.
SAV's category, 'Best Community Contribution' was announced and I remember feeling immensely proud as I looked at all the people in the room listening attentively to the work SAV do and our achievements to date.
In only three short years SAV has achieved so much yet there is more to be done and I thought to myself... this is only the beginning.
Unfortunately we didn't win the award this time and I've always had the philosophy that you don't play to come second... but it didn't feel like we hadn't won because I knew Lloyds story and his legacy had left a little mark on everyone in that room, and with that his memory lives on.
On wards and upwards I say... Bring on next years Charity Times Awards 2014 - Best New Charity!