Evaluating our impact
Saturday 14th December, 2013

After discussions with the fantastic team of researchers at Liverpool John Moores University they have agreed to undertake research with us. LJMU is also part of the Centre for Public Health with a specialism in violence among other issues. They produced a paper called Violent Britain in 2005 which was the UK's response to the WHO report on Violence and Health in 2002. They know their stuff and can really add some new and academically robust credibility to our work.
They will be helping us develop an evaluation model and questionnaire to assess our impact including whether we have successfully changed attitudes around violence. We hope to introduce the questionnaire in to our school workshops and youth offending work in February 2014 and the study will last for a year.
LJMU have agreed to take on a new member of staff towards the end of 2014 to collate the data, do some further work, interviews and literature reviews before compiling a comprehensive report. We will be publishing this when it is ready and hope it will help our application to become a member of the WHO Violence Prevention Alliance.
LJMU will also help us with some smaller and quicker surveys on a variety of topics believed to contribute towards violence. There is minimal longitudinal research around the impact of media on violent behaviour. This is just one area we will be surveying which may result in some more in depth research in the future.