Successful day at Plymouth
Wednesday 23rd October, 2013

The day at the PSHE conference in Plymouth is coming to an end and we're all packed up.
We have had some successful and meaningful conversations with teachers and other organisations that could prove fruitful.
Something that has become apparent is the interest from primary schools in our work. It is more important than ever that we develop some positive primary school resources in the near future.
We have made some initial links with an organisation called Devon CAP who work with child abuse through educating teachers, pupils and their teachers. They are keen to link up and have agreed to allow us to visit primary schools with them to see how they work. They are also willing to train our teachers in primary school teaching styles and techniques that they have found successful and also increase our own knowledge of child abuse.
Child abuse is a key factor in the fight against violence and is recognised as a main focus for violence prevention work. Forming a link with Devon CAP is a positive step. They are also keen to visit some schools with us to see how we work. A positive and mutual relationship moving forward.
We will be utilising our new links to develop our own material and working with the team at Devon CAP to mutually benefit each other.
Besides the positive link with Devon CAP we also distributed several leaflets and pens to the teachers in the room and restored some pre existing links with the council.
Next year we have been asked to play a more active part in the conference by being given the platform to speak and present. This will be a great opportunity as well as the suggestion of being added to a list of specialist providers in a new programme in Plymouth that will shortly be emerging.